Florida Wants All New Migrants Arriving at the Border Locked Up. The Courts are Helping.

Florida Wants All New Migrants Arriving at the Border Locked Up. The Courts are Helping.

By Emma Winger // ImmigrationImpact.com Florida officials think the federal government must detain everyone – or virtually everyone – who arrives at the U.S.-Mexico border without a visa. And it is using the courts to try to make that happen. Just last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit refused to stop two federal […]

DHS Launches Process for Afghans to Extend Permission to Stay in the US

DHS Launches Process for Afghans to Extend Permission to Stay in the US

Posted by Alex Miller // ImmigrationImpact.com Editorial credit: Procyk Radek / Shutterstock.com Time was running out for many Afghan refugees living and working in the United States after American troops withdrew from Afghanistan. Thanks to the Biden administration’s recent decision to extend what is known as “parole,” many Afghans will now be given the opportunity to […]